@goodware/log Release History
9.0.5 2023-08-30
- #69: 'notice' console color is magenta
9.0.4 2023-08-14
Fix #74 - Stack redaction doesn't work with package managers that use symlinks
9.0.3 2023-08-10
Fix #72 - Treat context as an object logger.child(null, context)
when context is an object
9.0.1 - 9.0.2 2023-08-07
- Revert change for notice logging level to use italic font. Use magenta only.
- Update dependencies
9.0.0 2023-08-07
Breaking Changes
- Require NodeJS 14+ because ulidx needs nullish coalescing and frankly it's time
- Bump dependencencies
- Major bump: ulidx. Complains that it wants Node 16+. 14 works fine.
- #68: Remove winston and logform from stack traces
- #69: 'notice' console color is magenta and the font style is italic
8.1.6 2022-11-09
Fix Logger.stack()
8.1.5 2022-11-09
Fix passing context overrides to child()
8.1.4 2022-10-26
Fix falsy value passed as a logger to setLogger()
8.1.2 - 8.1.3 2022-10-23
- #66 - Better stack stripping
8.1.1 2022-10-03
- #65 - Suppress CloudWatch error "ThrottlingException: Rate exceeded"
8.1.0 2022-09-07
Bug Fixes
- #64 - isLevelEnabled('http') returns false when isLevelEnabled('verbose') returns true
- #63 - Add new level: notice
8.0.8 2022-07-07
Stack.pop() doesn't accept negative numbers.
8.0.6 - 8.0.7 2022-07-04
- Update documentation
returns undefined when Stack.length === x instead of throwing exception
8.0.5 2022-06-26
- Bug fix: Context in child logger overwrote context provided as a parameter
8.0.4 2022-06-24
- Use child logger's category if category value provided is invalid (e.g., is an object)
- Update docs
8.0.3 2022-06-23
- redact events are emitted for child objects
8.0.1 - 8.0.3 2022-06-22
- Logger() constructor allows 'extra' to be passed in tags or context
8.0.0 2022-06-20
Breaking changes
- logger(x,y) replaced with setLogger(x,y)
- Add 'context'
- All forms of log functions accept a context parameter before category
- Child loggers use context instead of data
- 'data' event renamed to 'redact'
- data() method removed from Loggers and Logger classes
- Ignore 'undefined' input parameters (as before) but treat null as a value. For example, if null is provided as data, it is logged as
{data: {data: null}}
. It adds an extra 'data' property in order accommodate other data to be logged - say, specified inmessage.
- Context, message, and data objects are sent to 'redact' event separately
7.0.1 2022-05-10
Do not log error twice
7.0.0 2022-05-03
Rename metaKeys option to metaProperties
6.3.0 2022-05-01
Add commitSha to options
6.2.5 2022-05-01
- Add 'log' event
6.2.4 2022-05-01
- Add category property to 'data' event objects
6.2.3 2022-04-30
Breaking changes
- Rename 'log' event to 'data'
6.2.2 2022-04-24
Use winston-cloudwatch version 6
6.2.0 - 6.2.1 2022-04-24
Breaking changes
- Remove allowLevel and tags from redact options
- Add {boolean} recursive to redact options, defaults to true
- Add documentation for redact
- Add documentation for log events
6.1.1 2022-04-24
Rename 'transform' event to 'log'
6.1.0 2022-04-17
Added 'transform' event
6.0.2 - 6.0.3 2022-04-17
- Replace ulid package with newer ulidx
- Fix and change: Use AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_REGION or AWS_REGION environment variables. AWS_CLOUDWATCH_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION are no longer used.
- Replace mkdir-sync package with functions in the fs package
- Add additional error handling when creating file transports
- Add the current directory to the list of log file directories in case ./logs can not be created
6.0.0 - 6.0.1 2022-04-02
Breaking Changes
- 'context' parameter renamed to 'data' to sync up with console.data configuration and CloudWatch JSON output
5.0.7 2022-03-29
Use AWS_REGION environment variable
5.0.5 - 5.0.6 2022-03-26
Use @goodware/winston-cloudwatch until PR#184 is released
5.0.4 2022-03-26
Create log groups when missing.
Note: Missing log groups will not be created until PR#184 is released.
5.0.0 - 5.0.3 2022-03-26
Breaking Changes
log() etc. methods return undefined for easier testing via REPL, RunKit, etc.
@asw-sdk-client/cloudwatch-logs and winston-cloudwatch are optional dependencies
Output all opened CloudWatch Logs group and stream names to the console
4.0.0 - 4.0.1 2022-03-20
Breaking Changes
Due to winston-cloudwatch, this version might not work in NodeJS versions < 12 (lts/erbium)!
- Upgrade to winston-cloudwatch v4
- Replace aws-sdk with @asw-sdk-client/cloudwatch-logs as a dependency required by winston-cloudwatch
- Replace nano with ulid
- Fix: #49
- Fix: #46
3.4.8 - 3.4.11 2021-12-1
- Documentation changes
- Reduce size of package zip file via .npmignore
- Add engines: to package.json
- Brief console output logs entire line in one color
3.4.7 2021-11-30
- Modify console output to colorize the entire line and log the level, category, and sorted tags
3.4.5 2021-08-27
- Change object-to-string depth default to 20 from 10
3.4.5 2021-08-25
- More bug fixes for the depth and groupId meta keys
3.4.3 2021-08-12
- Bug fixes for the depth and groupId meta keys
3.4.2 2021-07-31
- Add new meta key 'stack' because it is supported by the data-enabled console
loggers.info(undefined, {error: new Error('x')})
only outputs one message to the console- Remove feature that replaces Error instances with text in data because it was redundant and noisy
3.4.0-3.4.1 2021-07-05
- #24 Context stack
Bug fixes
- #41 AWS logstream name output when restart() is called
- Fix TaskLogger when the function throws an exception
3.3.6-3.3.8 2021-06-19
- Fix colorization for plain console
- Update docs
3.3.1 - 3.3.5 2021-06-18
- Add unit tests
- Update docs
3.3.0 2021-06-17
- For plain console output, output level after the message
- #39 Child logger caching
3.2.6 2021-06-15
Rename built-in log names starting with @log/ to start with @goodware instead
3.2.5 2021-06-15
Fix: log('warn' new Error()) logs as error
3.2.4 2021-06-14
Fix unit tests
3.2.3 2021-06-14
Change console output - add category after message
3.2.2 2021-06-13
Change console output - move log id after message
3.2.0 2021-06-12
- #35: Allow level in top-level transport keys (errorFile, console, etc.)
- Add more console unit tests
3.1.1 2021-06-11
Bug Fixes
- file/errorFile directories value is ignored when an object is provided
- CloudWatch Logs error transports (console and errorFile) use default category overrides
- childLogger.ready does not work
- restart() and flush() are less noisy
- Complete the 'default' category work
- Constructor options has top-level errorFile key
3.1.0 2021-06-11
Bug Fixes
- #31: Transport settings were not based on the 'default' category when objects were provided
Loggers Options Schema Changes
- file and errorFile can contain objects that have the same properties as the top-level 'file' key
New methods
- Add missing
method for child loggers
- Do not output the category name to the console. A new feature will be added for configuring the format.
3.0.3 2021-06-08
- Rename meta keys: logId->id, logGroupId->groupId, logDepth->depth, logTransports->transports
- Output log id to console for searching files and CloudWatch Logs
3.0.2 2021-06-07
Update documentation
3.0.1 2021-06-07
- Add dateFormat, utc, and zippedArchive to 'file' in options schema
- Do not use peer dependencies
3.0.0 2021-06-06
Experient with peer dependencies
2.0.5 2021-06-06
Documentation changes
2.0.4 2021-06-05
Bug Fixes
- Fix: For
([tags]), was not included in the list of tags
New Features
- Add id (meta key) to log entries
- Use ulid instead of uuid
2.0.2 2021-06-04
Bug fixes
2.0.0 2021-06-03
Breaking Changes
- Loggers.tags() and Loggers.context() changed from static to regular methods
- isReady() changed from method to 'ready' 'get' property
- Logger methods tag(), context(), and category() changed from regular properties to methods
Other API Changes
- Add Loggers.category() for consistency
- levelEnabled is an alias for isLevelEnabled
Bug Fixes
#25, #26: These have the same output:
- loggers.log(new Error())
- loggers.error(new Error())
- loggers.child().log(new Error())
- loggers.child().error(new Error())
- loggers.log({error: new Error()})
- loggers.child().error({message: new Error()})
#25, #26: These have the same output:
- loggers.log(new Error(), 'Foo')
- loggers.error(new Error(), 'Foo')
- loggers.child().log(new Error(), 'Foo')
- loggers.child().error(new Error(), 'Foo')
1.5.3 2021-06-01
API Changes
- Use flush() instead of flushCloudWatchTransports()
Bug Fixes
- Logging the same error object twice when there are circular references
1.5.2 2021-05-31
- console: in options allows an object that accepts data and color so that different categories can have different console transports
- Rename maxAge in file config to maxFiles to align with the DailyRotateFile transport
1.5.0 2021-05-28
- Logging methods (log, info, etc.), isLevelEnabled(), and child() accept a single object with tags, context, and category keys.
- Bug fix: loggers.child().child() was not combining tags and context
1.4.0 2021-05-03
- Allow message in
logger.levelName([tags], message)
to be an object with message, tags, and context keys - Bug fix: 'tags' value was lost in loggers.child(tags).logger('loggerName')
1.3.5 2021-03-23
- The Ready and Stopping messages are logged at the default level
1.3.3 2021-03-22
- Add logging level methods to Loggers (e.g., error) (API change)
- Documentation (hide more with @ignore)
- Strip @goodware/log functions from stack traces
- Support Node 8 and higher by changing process.off() to process.removeListener()
- Link README to RunKit example